What's New at Eisenhower Elementary
Junior Achievement Classroom Volunteers Needed!
Please read the flyer below to see if you can help at Eisenhower
First Day of School 2018!
Students were excited to see their friends on the first day of school at Eisenhower. Lots of hugs and anticipation for a great new year!
See more photos!
Thank You PTO for Supporting Eisenhower’s Library!
Our fantastic PTO does so much to enrich the Eisenhower School library! They run the book fair in the fall with profits going to the purchase of new titles for the library. It takes a lot of hard-working volunteers to make that happen. This year we also used “Class Cash” from the PTO to purchase supplies that helped us better label and organize our library shelving so that students can find the books they want more easily. Be sure to check it out the next time you are at school. Class cash was also used to purchase some additional items for our library’s Maker Space, where kids can come to work on STEAM activities. Thanks PTO!
Eisenhower Readers Win the District Battle of the Books!
2018 Eisenhower Battle of the Books
Fifth grade students have been reading and studying the Iowa Children’s Choice Award nominee books since January. Five teams of students competed in the Eisenhower Battle of the Books on Friday, May 4 in Eisenhower’s small gym to show what they had learned. The kids worked together with their teammates to make sure that all of the books had been read by someone on their team. During the Battle, they could work together as a team to answer each question. The Battle was very close with the final three teams competing right up until the very end!
Congratulations to our wonderful readers! They ALL did a remarkable job!
Our winning team, shown below, represented Eisenhower at the District Battle of the Books at Hoover Elementary School on Friday, May 18. All 13 Dubuque elementary schools sent their winning team to this Battle. Eisenhower’s amazing team kept their nerves in check and made it to the final “sudden death” round against Bryant Elementary. All of their hard work paid off and they won the District Battle!
A big THANK YOU to Mark Schmitt and Happy Joe’s on University for sponsoring trophies for our winning team and donating a luncheon pizza certificate to ALL participants!
We are so proud of our winning team! Way to go!
Kindergarten Students Celebrate Moms!
Kindergarten students had many special guests at school last week for their Mother’s Day Tea! Each student contributed to a classroom video to tell their mom why they are special. The kids loved making the videos and couldn’t wait to share them with their moms!
Please take a look at our videos below.
Spring 2018 Elementary Art Gallery
The spring 2018 Online Student Art Gallery is now live featuring art from the district’s elementary school students!
This gallery is a way to highlight the remarkable products of art education in the district. It’s a digital attempt at bringing the work of our student artists at all levels into your home – because art is created for others to take in.