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What's New at Eisenhower Elementary

Family Group Service Projects

Family groups at Eisenhower met to talk about what responsibility means and how they could help to take care of their school. Each group was responsible for cleaning up an area of the school, grounds or neighborhood. Students and staff all pitched in the make the Eisenhower community cleaner and brighter!

Watch a slidFamilyGroupCleanupeshow of the service projects at Eisenhower

Video: What are You Responsible For?
from Mrs. Dostal’s family group

Video: Eisenhower and Lincoln Celebrate Earth Day

Get TEXT ALERTS from Dubuque Schools!

To better inform our families about schedule changes, the Dubuque Community School District will begin offering text messaging for weather-related and emergency alerts from the district. The service is offered through School Messenger, the system the district currently uses for mass email messages and automated phone calls.


  • On TUESDAY, FEB. 21, between approximately 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. all phone numbers on file for families and staff will receive a text message asking them to opt in.
  • If your phone has SMS or text messaging capability, you will receive the initial message.
  • When you receive this text, REPLY “Yes” or “Y” to confirm that you’d like to continue receiving text messages.
  • That’s it! You will then receive text messages for weather and emergency alerts.
  • You can opt out of these text messages at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.

PLEASE NOTE: The district will only use text messages for weather-related or emergency purposes, not for general district information. Subscribers are responsible for any applicable text messaging charges from their carrier.

2017-2018 Preschool Registration Begins Monday, Feb. 6

Registration for 2017-2018 free four-year-old preschool in the Dubuque Community School District will begin on Monday, Feb. 6. This includes Dubuque’s 13 public schools offering preschool through the Statewide Voluntary Free Preschool Program.

Parents and guardians may register students in person at the selected site, beginning when that site’s office opens on February 6. Proof-of-age, preferably a birth certificate, is required to register a student. A passport or signed immunization record will be accepted if necessary. Initial paperwork can be found online at
Read More about “2017-2018 Preschool Registration Begins Monday, Feb. 6”

Eisenhower Lego League Buzzzzzes Their Way to State!

Eisenhower's First Lego League TeamFIRST Lego League consist of 3 equally important components: Lego League Core Values, a team Project, and a Robotics competition.

The Eisenhower 5 Star Stingers competed at the regional tournament in Dubuque in December.  At the regionals, we competed against 30 teams  ranging in ages from 9-14 (4th through 8th grade).  The top 8 teams were selected to compete at State in Ames- and we were among that group!

We then traveled to Ames to compete on Jan.15th.  We competed in 3 robotics rounds, a project presentation, a core values interview, and a robotics interview.  At state, our highest robot score was 107 pts!   We ended up bringing home a trophy for 2nd place in the project research category.

We are so proud of our team this year, we had 8 new members and 2 returning members! To make it to state AND receive 2nd place for our project was a HUGE accomplishment!

Click here to see more Lego League photos!