FIRST Lego League consist of 3 equally important components: Lego League Core Values, a team Project, and a Robotics competition.
The Eisenhower 5 Star Stingers competed at the regional tournament in Dubuque in December. At the regionals, we competed against 30 teams ranging in ages from 9-14 (4th through 8th grade). The top 8 teams were selected to compete at State in Ames- and we were among that group!
We then traveled to Ames to compete on Jan.15th. We competed in 3 robotics rounds, a project presentation, a core values interview, and a robotics interview. At state, our highest robot score was 107 pts! We ended up bringing home a trophy for 2nd place in the project research category.
We are so proud of our team this year, we had 8 new members and 2 returning members! To make it to state AND receive 2nd place for our project was a HUGE accomplishment!
Click here to see more Lego League photos!